What is a walk-in chiropractic office?
Vero Beach, Fl.- We do not take appointments at Vero Walk-In Chiropractic. We are a walk-in office. This means, whether you are a brand-new patient or an established patient, you can just come in during our open hours and been seen by Dr. Harmody. You do not need to call first. Just come in. This is a concept most people have trouble grasping, but it works very well. I have been practicing like this for 20 years and most people enjoy the walk-in principle when they get the hang of it. Most times you don’t know you need to be seen by a chiropractor until you wake up that morning. The last thing you want to do is call an office and have them say, “we can see you in 4 days.” “No! I need help now!” Here at Vero Walk-In Chiropractic, you can just come in when we have open hours and be treated. That way you can be seen quickly and get back to your day. Try us out! You’ll see it works very well. Dr. Thomas Harmody is a chiropractor at Vero Walk-In Chiropractic in Vero Beach, Fl.
