Could it be a food allergy or sensitivity?
Chiropractor Vero Beach, Fl.- You are hearing more and more lately about food allergies or sensitivities. Ask most people who do not have these issues, and they would probably tell you they don’t believe in these problems. Ask someone who does have issues, and they will tell you they are absolutely real. The problems they can create can wreak havoc on someone’s digestive system or can even cause neurological problems. The pain, weakness or neurological discomfort can be very unpleasant. These sensitivities can cause our body to attack itself and create autoimmune issues. Irritation to the gut can lead to digestion issues due to the body attacking the insides of our intestines that can sometimes take about a week to heal. Don’t discount the possibility of your issue being linked to a food allergy or sensitivity that could be causing your gut issue or even your pain. Dr. Thomas Harmody is a chiropractor at Vero Walk-In Chiropractic and Wellness in Vero Beach, Fl.
